Sunday, March 22, 2009

VEDIC MATHS :Trick to Multiply numbers between 11-19

Here are the Rules :
1) prefix the number to be multiplied by zero .
2)The figures in the answer is obtained by adding the units place of number (11-19) with the each figure of the number to be multiplied and adding the sucessive number to it.(this shuold be done similar to our multiplication from right to left)


1) add zero in front of 234 ------------- 0234X11
2) the digit in units place of 11 is one and digit sucessive to 4{right most) is zero

So do the following (4X1)+0 = 4 0234X11
Now move towards left ,next digit is (3X1)+4 =7 0234X11
Now move towards left ,next digit is (2X1)+3 =5 0234X11
Now move towards left ,next digit is (0X1)+2 =2 0234X11

Isnt it easy and cool?